Welcome to the Australian National Placement Evaluation Centre. The centre is currently collecting evaluations of degree level nursing and midwifery clinical placements, with plans to collect evaluations from Enrolled Nurse students and other health professions in the future.
If you are a Dean/Head of School of an Australian university/TAFE providing nursing and midwifery degree level education you can designate staff member(s) to distribute surveys and gain access to evaluation outcomes. Designated staff are asked to watch the video below relating to the centre and how to register.
If you are a university/TAFE industry partner and wish to be involved in the evaluation process, scroll down to the section An introduction to NPEC and the membership process to access a video explaining how to register.
If you would like to view the data collection forms e.g. the Placement Evaluation Tool (PET) click on the ‘Tools’ section below. If you would like access to all or elements of the national data set, for research purposes, complete the ‘Data request form’ found at the bottom of this page.
An introduction to NPEC and the membership process
Educational institutions involved
Healthcare institutions involved
National placement evaluation tools
Access the PDF/paper-based placement evaluation tools
Degree level nursing and midwifery students’ placement experiences vary across Australia with both positive and less than optimal experience outcomes. In line with recent reviews of education it is essential that a nationally consistent approach to understanding and measuring the quality of clinical placements is commenced. Funded by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) and the Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery (CDNM) (Australia and New Zealand), the National Placement Evaluation Centre (NPEC) is owned by Health Education Services Australia. HESA is the educational subsidiary for ANMAC.
Rating tools and educational resources are available for download.
Centre Aim
To monitor and inform the enhancement of the educational quality of degree level nursing and midwifery student clinical placements.
Available on this site:
(NB: the use of the word ‘educator’ in this proposal encompasses the role of nurse mentor / facilitator / supervisor which depending on the model may be a tertiary or organisational based position).
Funders and University Partners
(A full list of all university and industry partners is available on request)